Apa itu TWITTER?
DICILOK dari WIKIPEDIA : Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read messages known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the author's profile page and delivered to the author's subscribers who are known as followers. Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow open access. Users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website, Short Message Service (SMS) or external applications. While the service costs nothing to use, accessing it through SMS may incur phone service provider fees.
Kenapa best ada Twitter :
- Boleh baca direct tweets dari politician / celebrity yang ditulis personaly oleh mereka sendiri. Contoh semalam Mr. PM kita, Najib punya BDAY. Dia post : LUNCH BDAY with Staff.
- Pastu semalam yang lawaknya, pasai Yasmin Ahmad jatuh sakit kat ICU. Semua orang duk send tweets mendoakan dia OK dan selamat. Pastu Yasmin Hani balas :
Ppl been calling me asking if I'm ok?? What?? They thought I was d one who was colapsed. Its not me n I'm ok.. I know who is n let's pray!
- Attention untuk orang bernama NONIE SULAIMAN : Kalau sapa-sapa yang suka gatai main status update pastu layan comment kat Facebook. Tak payah dah main kat situ, meh sini, update status anda di Twitter.
- Twitter sangat simple. Boleh update pakai SMS (charges depended on TELCO rate supply) atau log on pakai 3g hp atau hp biasa yang boleh web browes.
- Twitter ni sangat laju and syiok! Ditambah kalau anda menggunakan SERVER USM. HEHEHE....laju ja. Kalau Facebook tu lembab sikit.
Website Address untuk Twitter :
Twitter Jumie :
This is my direct link : http://twitter.com/jumiejumie
Ini gambar page saya :

Marilah menjadi follower saya!!
Link- link celebrity on Twitter.com :
Taylor Swift : http://twitter.com/taylorswift13
Adam Lambert : http://twitter.com/adamlambert
Ashton Kutcher : http://twitter.com/aplusk
kimora Lee Simmons : http://twitter.com/Kimoraleesimmon
Justin Timberlake : http://twitter.com/jtimberlake
P Diddy : http://twitter.com/iamdiddy
Snoop Dogg : http://twitter.com/snoopdogg
Paris Hilton : http://twitter.com/babygirlparis
Miley Cyrus : http://twitter.com/mileycyrus
Kim Cardashian : http://twitter.com/KimKardashian
Politician :
Barack Obama : http://twitter.com/BarackObama
PM Najib : http://twitter.com/NajibRazak
Khairi Jamaluddin : http://twitter.com/Khairykj
Tengku Razaleigh : http://twitter.com/razaleigh
Malaywood :
Joe Flizzow :http://twitter.com/flizzow
Yasmin Hani : http://twitter.com/YasminHani
Aishah Sinclair : http://twitter.com/AishahSinclair
Jason Lo : http://twitter.com/jasonlo1
Afdlin Shauki : http://twitter.com/afdlinshauki
Kevin Zahri : http://twitter.com/kevinzahri
Sazzy Falak : http://twitter.com/SazzyFalak
Dynas : http://twitter.com/dynasmokhtar
Bunga Citra Lestari : http://twitter.com/bclsinclair
Elaine Daly : http://twitter.com/elainedaly
Ashraf Sinclair : http://twitter.com/ashrafsinclair
Tukang Masak :
Jamie Oliver : http://twitter.com/jamie_oliver
Radio Announcer
Natalie Kniese (Hitz.FM Announcer) : http://twitter.com/nataliehitz
Ean Hitz : http://twitter.com/Eanhitz
Ryan Seacrest : http://twitter.com/RyanSeacrest
Harapan : Hope USM pun ada Twitter jugak! Untuk update perkembangan terbaru! Dan kita semua boleh get latest updates!! The first Universiti yang ada Twitter. Kena bagitau ni kat En Mad PRO. Nur Nadia Taselim please take note.
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