
Gambar Wanita dengan Pakaian Bercorak Ayat Al Quran

Kawan-kawan terjumpa gambar ini,  harap ampa jangan cepat-cepat duk circulate gambar ini dengan perasaan amarah yang tidak terhingga kepada wanita ini.  Dari apa yang saya baca (dari macam macam laman sosial) wanita ini ialah seorang wanita dari KOREA dan dia tidak tahu tentang adat dan budaya agama Islam.  Dia beli baju ini di India.  

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Lani kat Facebook dan laman sosial lain,  ramai orang Muslim di Malaysia sangat marah dengan gambar wanita ini.  Ada yang dah nak declare gaduh besar dengan kaum Cina di negara kita sebab depa duk ingat ini adalah rakyat Malaysia.  

Kalau apa pun,  i just wanna share this message written by my boss, Dr. Mohd Hafizal Mohd Isa :

Here I would like to educate all the non Muslims in Malaysia and all over the world. The Koran is a secret holy book to the Muslim and as Muslim, we do respect our Holy Book just like other religions. We do not make jokes or make fun of the prophets and especially Allah. Arabic lettering/language is OK to be written on anything including t-shirt or shoes but not the phrases of the Koran. We cannot bring the Koran or it contents to the toilet. We do place the Koran above us eg. on a book stand above sitting level. We place the Koran on a high shelves to show respect. We burn the Koran to discard it if its torn apart or too old and not to throw it into a garbage bin.  It is so rude to wear garments that written the Koran contents because to us, it deserves a better place.

Tolong share this message around.  Thank you.

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